Involuntary, constant tone. This is expressed, for example, in unconscious clenching of the jaw (bruxism), raised shoulders tense, etc. This tension often occurs due to stress, accumulated severe emotional and physical fatigue, habit, after all,…

Involuntary, constant tone. This is expressed, for example, in unconscious clenching of the jaw (bruxism), raised shoulders tense, etc. This tension often occurs due to stress, accumulated severe emotional and physical fatigue, habit, after all,…
Chronic muscle strain and spasms are often the main cause of fatigue, numerous pains, and can even affect blood pressure! How do you relax and “calm” your body and get rid of the permanently slumped…
A lot of guys, I don’t know about girls, have the notion of tattoos and bodybuilding inextricably linked to each other. Such an image always evokes the stereotype of a real strongman who is dangerous…
Someone thinks that it is better not to touch the oblique abdominal muscles for the sake of aesthetics and waist. Others – that they need to be pumped, then the waist will become thinner. But in sports…
The gymnastic bridge is not often seen in ordinary gyms. However, in the elevator shops – as much as necessary. It helps develop the mobility of the spine necessary for the bridge on the bench press, which…
The reverse plank is a gymnastic exercise. It is performed with body weight, there are analogues in yoga, Pilates and most health exercises. Exercise allows you to develop mobility in the shoulder joint, flexibility and strengthens the…
Amino acid complex Mega Amino 3200, produced by the American company Biotech USA, contains absolutely all amino acids necessary for athletes. The supplement also includes BCAAs. Sports nutrition is intended to be taken during the period of…
The Zercher squat was designed as a specific exercise for the quads. The author of the movement did a lot to make them grow. But conventional technique did not benefit him. Therefore, he came up with the idea…
The California press is a triceps exercise. It was invented by Louis Simmons, the author of the Westside Powerlifter Training Methodology and the owner of the club of the same name. At Westside, there was a lot…
The pendulum for the press is a gymnastic exercise that allows you to work out the oblique muscles of the press, and involves the hips, back, and in part even the buttocks. The movement is performed…