Involuntary, constant tone. This is expressed, for example, in unconscious clenching of the jaw (bruxism), raised shoulders tense, etc. This tension often occurs due to stress, accumulated severe emotional and physical fatigue, habit, after all,…

Involuntary, constant tone. This is expressed, for example, in unconscious clenching of the jaw (bruxism), raised shoulders tense, etc. This tension often occurs due to stress, accumulated severe emotional and physical fatigue, habit, after all,…
Chronic muscle strain and spasms are often the main cause of fatigue, numerous pains, and can even affect blood pressure! How do you relax and “calm” your body and get rid of the permanently slumped…
A lot of guys, I don’t know about girls, have the notion of tattoos and bodybuilding inextricably linked to each other. Such an image always evokes the stereotype of a real strongman who is dangerous…
Almost all people have sex, and some of them also do sports. Hence the interest: how does intimacy affect their training? If we talk about ordinary training, then in general, no: both are good for…
Today, more and more people are starting to play sports. Undoubtedly, this cannot but rejoice. However, at a time when just playing sports develops into something more, many athletes turn to anabolic steroids for help…
Those who did not see the performance of the titled American swimmer Michael Phelps on August 7 in Rio must have heard about it. And you heard not about another medal of the athlete, but…
The Jumbo Gainer is a powerful carbohydrate-protein blend for muscle building. Sports nutrition is best suited for athletes with naturally lean physique (ectomorphs). The supplement contains large amounts of sugar. People who are prone to gaining extra pounds…
Exercise “book” refers to gymnastic. It is also used in the training of swimmers, weightlifters, track and field athletes and fitnessists. It was used in Soviet shaping, and then it was undeservedly sent to the dustbin of…
The Multi Pro Plus vitamin and mineral complex is produced by the American company Scitec Nutrition. A distinctive feature of the supplement is that inside there is a packet of several Mega Daily capsules. It is an…
Exercise “pulling the leg back in the machine” is correctly called “hip extension”. But whatever they call it in gyms, and “donkey kick”, and “glute swings”, and “swings in the crossover.” Be that as it may, this…